Mount Calvary has a strong youth ministry tradition which continues to be remembered years and years later by past participants. When the latest chapter in our history began a few years ago, there was a strong desire to maintain this tradition and to build upon it through ministries involving all the generations. As St. Peter (Acts 2:17-18) and St. Paul (1 Corinthians 12:7) taught long ago, the Holy Spirit is at work in every generation. We endeavor to be a church that fosters and enjoys the blessings all the various generations have to share.
Recently, we’ve added to our staff so more hours might be devoted to youth ministry and have experimented with new approaches to Sunday school and confirmation. While holding onto our traditional Lutheran roots, we’ve also gotten out of the box with a new worship style which makes heavier use of modern technology and which sometimes makes use of secular song. Thanks to a committed group of volunteers our ministry with the ill and the housebound has been able to grow in recent years.
Encouragingly, our efforts to become and remain a multigenerational church have produced some fruit. Our newest members represent all the generations, with 40% raising a family or beginning one, 26% still working, and 34% retired.