- AA and Al-Anon: A total of six addiction recovery groups meet at Mount Calvary on a weekly basis.
- Family Events: For members and non-members alike, Mount Calvary makes various parts of its large facility available for family gatherings of all kinds.
- Girl Scouts: An active group of parents and young women hold their weekly meetings at Mount Calvary.
- Grief Groups: Mount Calvary has developed partnerships with several local hospice agencies to provide a home for their grief-sharing groups and has even hosted one hospice agency’s annual memorial service.
- Gym Groups: Mount Calvary has a gym which many, different youth teams and leagues use for the purpose of practice and preparation.
- Inclined to Sing: A local youth choir for children ages 5 to 15 uses Mount Calvary as its practice space.
- Johnstown Community Choir: This community choir featuring a varied cast of musicians and performers practices at Mount Calvary in preparation for its three annual performances.
- Polling Station: Mount Calvary has long served as one of the places where the community is given the great privilege of being able to a cast a vote in local, state, and national elections of all kinds.
- Radio Club: A group of amateur, hand radio enthusiasts regularly meet at Mount Calvary.
- Soccer Referees: The group of referees officiating local, youth soccer leagues hold their business meeting at Mount Calvary.