- Adult, Bible Study: After the conclusion of Sunday morning worship, a group of adults gather for study on a variety of topics and biblical books and themes. This ministry is led by Harold Ashcraft.
- Book Club: This group selects a book to read and then gathers at various junctures throughout the year to discuss the text they have been reading and to pick other books for exploration and enjoyment. This ministry is led by Paula Nihoff.
- Confirmation: Meeting after worship on Sunday mornings and generally lasting two years, with occasional opportunities for outside engagement as well, those in middle school meet with a pastor who prepares them to affirm their baptism publicly and to become full-fledged members of the congregation in the process.
- Wednesday Bible Study: Meeting in between major Church seasons with a varying schedule, this Bible study is pastor-led.
- Sunday School: With the details shifting from year to year and the programs running from September through May, Christian educational opportunities for children ages four and up are offered each Sunday morning.