JULY at Mount Calvary — Meetings & Events:
- July 2-Monthly Coffee Social 8:00 AM
- July 6-Evangelism Committee 6:30
- July 8-Faith Night with Mill Rats
- July 11-Property Committee 6:00
- July 17-WELCA 6:00
- July 18-Church Council 6:30
- July 22-Car Wash 10am-Noon
- July 29-Car Wash Rain Date
Children’s Sunday School has ended for the summer. Books, toys, coloring pages, drinks and wrapped snacks are always available in the Narthex lounge behind the glass doors. Fussy toddlers and babies are always welcome there! Parents and grandparents can see and hear the service from that room.
Join Us and Get Involved:
SOCIAL MINISTRY-Thanks to all who contributed items for area nursing homes. During July and August, we will be collecting items for local first responders and Box 11, the county’s response vehicle which provides rest and refreshments to those firemen and police at the scene of emergencies and disasters. Items needed include individual bottled water, energy drinks, Gatorade, hot chocolate mix, Cup-o-Soup mix, peanut butter/jelly, individual snack crackers, granola bars, cookies, coffee pods, paper products, plastic spoons, etc. Monetary donations are also welcome and will be used to treat first responders to hot dogs and snacks at our “Touch a Truck” event in September. This will also be Mt. Calvary’s “God’s Work, Our Hands” project for 2023.
WELCA—All women of Mt. Calvary are welcome to attend WELCA meetings, held the 3rd Monday of every month at 6:00. The Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America holds fundraisers for church and charitable causes and serves as extra hands and smiling faces at Mt. Calvary events and programs. Meetings are fun, not very long, oh, and…there’s always really great snacks!
PROPERTY/EVANGELISM—joining together to hold a car wash in our main parking lot from 10-Noon on Saturday July 22. Vehicles washed and dried for donations, which will go towards our digital sign. Volunteers needed to make signs, wave signs to attract attention, helping vehicles get in line, and most importantly, actually washing and drying vehicles. Sign up in the Narthex. We’ll feed you!!
CLOTHING DRIVE-Will be held Saturday, October 7. Clothes can be dropped off at church starting now. Clothes left in the blue bin outside will be brought inside daily. Please separate clothes by gender and size and label each bag. It makes it so much easier for our volunteers to arrange clothing for the sale. Start going through your gently used fall and winter clothing now! This is one of the biggest outreach projects our Social Ministry team sponsors each year.
If you have news about activities and events at Mt. Calvary, email Joan Hunter at joan20457@gmail.com.